April 2024 at a glance
It's no April's Fools joke - April starts with Mercury retrograde in Aries on April 1st. Mercury will be retrograde most of the month, until April 25th. It will cover 15°-27° of Aries in your natal charts.

It's no April's Fools joke - April starts with Mercury retrograde in Aries on April 1st. Mercury will be retrograde most of the month, until April 25th. It will cover 15°-27° of Aries in your natal charts. If you have any planets or angles (rising sign, IC, DC, and MC) in any of the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn at these degrees, this will be more personal for you. In general, be extra cautious when signing contracts, in traffic, and with technical gadgets.
More on Mercury retrograde, please watch my interesting chat with Makayla.
On April 21st Juno, the asteroid of partnerships and commitments will station to go direct. This will provide a more practical and eager-to-serve approach to our relationships.

The month's biggest news is the total Solar Eclipse - the New Moon at 19° Aries, conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. It's also called the big American eclipse as is visible in Mexico, Central and North America, and parts of Canada (it will be visible in my town!!). It's calling us to get out of our comfort zones despite the emotional tensions and hurt we might experience. Be bold and courageous to step into the unknown. Who dares, wins will be the theme of this Eclipse. Trust your inner wisdom - Chiron was also a teacher and a mentor in mythology. What did we learn from previous hurts? Think about that as you step into the world of new possibilities.
For more in-depth insights about the eclipses, please listen to my amazing chat with Israel.
The Full Moon at 4° Scorpio will happen on April 23rd, making a hard aspect with Pluto at 2° Aquarius. This will bring intensity and physiological depth regarding our money and shared resources. The sense of feeling powerless and lacking control over our income, investments, security, and intimacy might be just some of the topics that will be highlighted on this full moon. There is a need for transformation, and reassessment of our values and relationships to gain empowerment.

- Venus becomes extremely passionate and fiery when she ingresses into Aries on April 5th. But just a couple of days earlier, on April 3rd, she joins Neptune for a romantic gathering. She will spend most of the month in Aries until she ingresses into Taurus on April 29th. Taurus is her home sign when she can be her true self, sensible and desirable. She will connect with Pluto on April 6th, bringing new opportunities for empowerment within existing business and romantic relationships. On April 17th she joins the north node and on April 19th Mercury retrograde - new beginnings may occur, but with Mercury retrograde, you might need to reevaluate them when Mercury goes direct.
- Before the Sun goes into Taurus on April 19th, he will meet up with the north node on April 4th and Mercury retrograde on April 11th. A sense of urgency and impatience might come up. Make sure to think twice before you act and double-check everything before going into action. The Sun will square Pluto on April 21st, which might bring potential power struggles and control issues.
- Jupiter Uranus conjunction on April 20th is the biggest event of the year. This is considered a fortunate and favorable aspect, but because of the unpredictability and shocking effect of Uranus, everyone should prepare to expect the unexpected! Because it's happening in Taurus these changes may reflect topics such as money and possessions, technology, and nature. Things could change very quickly. Be prepared!
- Mars will join Saturn just two days after Eclipse, on April 10th. We might feel frustrated, discouraged, and angry because Mars wants to go, go, go, but Saturn says not yet, slow down, take your time. Don't give up, instead try to master your skills. On April 19th, Mars will sextile Jupiter and Uranus, opportunity to grow is on the horizon! On April 29th Mars will join Neptune, just before he ingresses in Aries on April 30th. With this conjunction, our inner spiritual warrior will wake up, starting a new spiritual journey.
April is the most eventful month of 2024 - with Mercury being retrograde the whole month, a total Solar Eclipse, and Jupiter Uranus conjunction, April will be intense and full of surprises.
✨Special offer alert✨
Due to the hectic April ahead with Mercury retrograde, eclipse season, and Jupiter Uranus conjunction, I'm offering 20 % off for my 30-minute services - if you have a concern, urgent matter, or need a quick update!
I'm happy to guide you on your journey 😊