August 2024 at a glance

August will be flavored with Mercury retrograde, but nevertheless, the first half of the month is promising, bringing serenity with a touch of fun and excitement!

August Stations
August Stations

August will be flavored with Mercury retrograde, but nevertheless, the first half of the month is promising, bringing serenity with a touch of fun and excitement!

Mercury will station to go retrograde on Aug 4th at 04°06' Virgo. On Aug 14th he enters Leo again where he will be retrograde until Aug 28th at 21°25' Leo. He entered the shadow period on July 16th. Topics that started around that time might come up during the retrograde period, asking us to revise, redo things, or repeat them. Shadow will finally finish on Sept 11th. Mostly affected by this retrograde will be all the fixed signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and especially Leos.

I will make a more detailed video on this Mercury retrograde, so make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel. But generally, double-check everything, and expect delays in traffic and communication misunderstandings.  

Dwarf planet Ceres will station to go direct on Aug 26th, finishing her long journey in Capricorn this year. A need to set boundaries and structure into self-care is necessary. How you nurture yourself will be highlighted.

August Lunations
August Lunations

The New Moon in Leo on Aug 4th allows you to show yourself in the world, and to pursue your creative expressions with more optimism and hope because of the lovely aspect with Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. Connect with the inner child and you might be pleasantly surprised with the outcome!
This New Moon will be especially favorable for all Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, and for all of you with natal placements between 9°- 15° of the Fire signs.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on Aug 19th might be shocking and surprising for many of us because of the hard aspect with Uranus. Prepare yourself for big, unexpected changes. Also, there will be tension in the air as the Venus-Saturn opposition makes a hard aspect to the Mars-Jupiter conjunction. Try to avoid impulsive and rash decisions as your need to break free but remain stable won't be met. This will impact the most all of you with natal placements between 24°-29° of Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The first couple of degrees (0°-1°) of Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) might also find this more personal.

August Ingresses
August Ingresses
  1. The month starts off with Venus Uranus square on Aug 2nd in fixed signs of Leo and Taurus. You might get an urge to spend money on luxury items or experiences and/or try new exciting things within your relationships. Venus will enter Virgo on Aug 4th just minutes after the New Moon. She will stay in Virgo until Aug 29th when she moves into Libra. Venus is not so happy in Virgo, overly critical, and never satisfied. There might be some annoyances regarding finances when she makes hard aspects with Saturn and Jupiter on Aug 19th, the time of the Full Moon.  
  2. On Aug 9th Juno enters Libra. This might bring some harmony and peace in our existing long-term, committed relationships - romantic and business. Negotiations and compromises will be welcomed. Still, don't forget Mercury is retrograde until the end of the month. Hold on with new commitments. Things will be more favorable next month when Venus goes into Libra and Mercury goes direct.
  3. The first half of the month is looking good, with Sun sextile Jupiter on Aug 7th. More optimism and self-confidence can help us achieve big plans. On the same day, Venus meets Mercury in Virgo, bringing some financial revisions. Sun enters Virgo on Aug 22nd, announcing the Virgo season. Vesta will shortly follow with her ingress to Virgo on Aug 24th. This will bring some grounding energy and preparation regarding our heart desires. It is also a good time to physically clean your home in more detail, get rid of unnecessary things, and make space for new things we want to manifest.
  4. Mars and Jupiter meet on Aug 14th, giving us a prelude to the approaching Full Moon energy. We might experience more nervousness and irritability followed by quickness. Everyone will hear our mighty roar as the Leo season is ending! The good thing is this lovely formation on Aug 16th between Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus (sextiles and trines), bringing way out of crisis to the collective.
  5. Approaching the Full Moon on Aug 19th (which might be the hardest day of the month), on Aug 18th we have Mercury retrograde square Uranus for the second time - be aware of system failures and disruptions. Jupiter Saturn square happening on the Full Moon will be first out of the three squares between them, bringing financial and business affairs to light. The second square will be on Christmas Eve and the last one will be in June 2025. Reassemesnts are now necessary - how to work with the budget that we have at our disposal. Are we overspending, overreaching or are we living within our capabilities?

Take advantage of the first half of the month and the New Moon in Leo to shine and prosper. The second half of the month will be intense, and harsh and our patience will be tested!

The month will end in a nicer mood, giving us some space to breathe and prepare for the fall.

Take care, enjoy the last days of summer, and get ready for the new beginnings in the fall ☺