astrology Is knowing astronomy important for understanding astrology? Astronomy and astrology were very close throughout history. They were even treated as the same thing.
astrology Moon Glyph Meaning The Moon is the other luminary, as important as the Sun. They both play the game of day and night and shadow and light.
astrology Sun Glyph Meaning The symbol of Sun is a circle with a dot in the middle. The circle is the spirit (the life), and the little dot in the middle is you.
astrology Pluto Glyph Meaning The symbol of Pluto shows the circle (spirit) over the crescent (soul) and the cross (matter). This represents spiritual transformation of our soul through superconsciuosness above the material, physical world.
astrology Neptune Glyph Meaning The symbol of Neptune shows the trident, made of crescent (soul) sitting on the cross of matter.
astrology Uranus Glyph Meaning The symbol of Uranus shows cross of matter over the circle of spirit with one crescent on each side. Crescents represent our receptivity, one for spiritual and the other for material change.
astrology Saturn Glyph Meaning The symbol of Saturn shows the cross of matter (physical world/body) over the crescent (soul).
astrology Jupiter Glyph Meaning In the modern times it shows the crescent (soul) rising above the cross of matter (body).
astrology Mars Glyph Meaning It shows spirit (circle), with the arrow pointing outwards into the world. It’s symbolizing our drive and willingness for direction and assertion in life.
astrology Venus Glyph Meaning It shows spirit (circle) over matter (cross). You might have noticed its similarity to Mercury, but without crescent (soul) at the top.
astrology What do planetary glyphs represent? They are graphical symbols used in astrology and astronomy of planets in our Solar System.
astrology Mercury Glyph Meaning The symbol of Mercury shows the crescent of the soul above the circle of spirit which is above the cross of matter.