June 2024 at a glance
Welcome to Gemini season! With Jupiter just entering Gemini, we can expect more fortune in the Gemini area of our charts.

Welcome to Gemini season!
With Jupiter just entering Gemini, we can expect more fortune in the Gemini area of our charts. Gemini energy is strongly emphasized in the first half of the month, bringing easier communication, and highlighting networking skills and playfulness. Watch out for scattered minds and quickness! Find an outlet to calm your nervous system and practice breathing.
For a more detailed breakdown of June astrological energies for all 12 zodiac signs, check out my latest video on YouTube.
Saturn will go retrograde on June 29th slowing the energy down, bringing focus and integration of our thoughts and ideas. Saturn will be retrograde until November 15th, inviting us to revise our boundaries and structures.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury in Gemini will help us see other points of view, with conversations, communications, social media interactions, and networking. It is a challenging New Moon because of the hard aspect with Saturn. Although we might feel blocked or not good enough, the lovely connection between Jupiter and Pluto will support our thinking process and our networks, friendships, and groups. This New Moon will be especially favorable for all Air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, and for all of you with natal placements between 12°- 21° of the Air signs.
A Full Moon in Capricorn will occur on the summer solstice, June 21st with a hard aspect with Neptune. This might bring some deceptions and misconceptions onto the surface. With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus now in Cancer, we might take things more personally and feel softer than usual. This will impact the most all of you with natal placements between 0°-5° of cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. The last few degrees (27°-29°) of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) might also find this more personal.
For more details on the June Lunations, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the notification bell. More videos on this topic are coming soon!

- On June 2nd Jupiter in Gemini will get support from Pluto in resolving challenging, big things. This flowing energy may empower your vision and beliefs. The following day Mercury enters Gemini and he will speed up our thinking process in true Gemini fashion and enlighten us with many ideas. With now 4 planets in Gemini, our desire to connect and converse will be larger than light! Mercury will fast through Gemini and enter Cancer on June 17th, along with Venus ingressing in the same sign. This will shift the month's energy into a softer, more caring, and protective mode. When the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Cancer on June 20th, we will feel more family-oriented, looking for nourishment and safety.
- Mars will ingress into Taurus on June 9th, taking a new approach with our willpower and stamina. Things will rapidly slow down, and we might be more oriented on long term goals, being more determined and persistent to achieve them. A hard aspect with Pluto on June 11th might cause disruption, aggression, power struggles, and destruction. Watch out for hostility and if possible remove yourself from those situations. This is the hardest day of the month.
- Saturn will be active this month, making hard aspects to Venus on June 8th, Sun on June 9th, and Mercury on June 12th. This period along with Mars squaring Pluto will feel extremely heavy. We cannot escape our responsibilities at this time. Instead of feeling frustrated, use this energy to focus and get a lot of things done and out of your way.
- Before shifting to Cancer, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury will also make a hard aspect with Neptune which is at the last degree of Pisces. Our judgment can be clouded by misinformation, delusions, uncertainty, and confusion. What is real and what is not real will be a great dilemma. On the other hand, this is a great opportunity to get in touch with our intuition, connect with our emotions, and tap into a mystical, magical realm.
- On June 19th, asteroid Vesta enters Leo. Our inner flame will be lit up with our passions and creativity. Use this energy to find what your heart desires and act on it!
Until June 17th, use Gemini energy for learning, exchanging ideas with others, be curious, explore and connect. In the second half of the month, take care of your emotional needs, nurture yourself, and surround yourself with people you care about.
I hope you found Summer Moon Planner useful and inspiring! If you know anyone who might find this useful or interesting, please let them know :)
Have a beautiful month, connect with others, spend quality time with your friends and family and most of all take care of yourself!