March 2024 at a glance
Hello March! Hello Eclipse Season! The first half of the month is the calm before the storm. That feeling of anticipation before it strikes.

Hello March! Hello Eclipse Season!
Yes, it's that time of the year again - eclipses are coming, eclipses are coming! (quoting Anne Ortlee on this one). The first half of the month is the calm before the storm. That feeling of anticipation before it strikes. All of the planets are still going direct, which means we are manifesting the energies onto and from the outside world.
We are entering the Mercury retrograde shadow period on March 18th, so make notes from that day onwards as you might have to repeat some things when Mercury goes direct again on April 25th.
End of the month, on March 29th, asteroid Pallas Athena is going retrograde in Sagittarius inviting us to revise our strategies regarding our vision for the future. This will go head to head with Mercury retrograde starting on April 1st, but more on that next month.
To prepare yourselves for the biggest event of the year occurring on April 20th - the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, listen to Liz and me talk about it in more detail.

The New Moon in Pisces will occur on March 10th. We might feel more tired and have mental, emotional, and physical fatigue. This New Moon is squeezed between Neptune and Saturn, between what is and what is not real. The good news is that it's making a nice aspect to Uranus in Taurus. With the help of Uranus, we might become aware which dreams are realistic, and we can pursue them to break free. This will impact the most those who have placements between 17-23 degrees of mutable signs - Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius.
On March 25th we have a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are imperfectly aligned. When this happens, the Earth blocks some of the Sun's light from directly reaching the Moon's surface and covers all or part of the Moon with the outer part of its shadow. It's time for new beginnings and new endings, and it will be around relationships and finances, and our commitment to both. This will impact the most those who have placements between 2-8 degrees of cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

- On March 9th, Mercury will enter Aries. This will give us a sense of the upcoming Mercury retrograde in April. On the same day, Mars is forming a hard aspect to Uranus. Watch out for recklessness, surprise attacks, sudden disruptions, and impulse to act without thinking. Be careful in traffic and watch out for injuries during physical activities. Just a day before, on March 8th, Mercury will join Neptune bringing confusion and misunderstandings in communication.
- Venus enters Pisces on March 11th. She loves being in Pisces because she feels more inspired, artistic, and spiritual. But before that, on March 3rd while she is still in Aquarius she will make a hard aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This might shake up things because Venus cannot create peace and harmony with disruptive and unpredictable Uranus. On March 21st Venus will join Saturn in Pisces. This might bring a sense of melancholy, nostalgia, sadness, and longing, but also compassion and ability for pragmatic solutions.
- Spring Equinox starts on March 19/20th as the Sun enters Aries, bringing us the change of the seasons and the start of the astrological year. It's time for a fresh start to a new chapter of our lives. Before the ingress, the Sun will join Neptune on March 17th, lifting us to a higher sphere. We might feel lost for a couple of days, not being able to stay with one foot on the ground.
- Mars will enter Pisces on March 22nd. This will soothe its determination and detachment from social and emotional issues and will bring more flexibility and empathy to our actions.
- Asteroid Vesta enters Cancer on the last day of March, bringing us a sense of belonging. Our heart and focus will be more on our home, family, and how we nurture ourselves and others.
March is preparation time for the eventful April. Get all your things sorted now, deal with unfinished business, and clear the path for the changes that are coming. This is not the month to put your head in the sand or to shove things under the carpet. It's the opposite!
Happy Eclipse Season!