March 2025 at a glance
Eclipse Season is here, this time flavored with Venus and Mercury retrograde! Big changes are ahead of us, big endings and big beginnings. The shift from Pisces to Aries can be confusing; if we don't prepare ourselves, we might get washed away

Eclipse Season is here, this time flavored with Venus and Mercury retrograde!
Big changes are ahead of us, big endings and big beginnings. The shift from Pisces to Aries can be confusing; if we don't prepare ourselves, we might get washed away. We start the month on March 1st with Venus going retrograde and Mercury entering his retrograde shadow period on the same day. Personal and professional relationships and our finances will come for reevaluation. When Mercury goes retrograde on March 15th, he will bring more issues with contracts, communication, and transportation. Juno goes retrograde on March 19th, slowing us down in decision-making and committing to a person or a project. Vesta will join them in retrograde motion on March 21st, revising our faith and spiritual path.
For more detailed information on Venus retrograde check out the video on my YouTube channel.

The Full Moon (Total Lunar Eclipse) at 23°57' Virgo on March 14th has Saturn close to the Sun and Neptune close by. Because of its aspects to Mars and Uranus, we might experience unexpected events and shocking revelations. Eclipses are lunations on steroids, these events can be big and have long-lasting impacts on our lives. Use Virgo energy to discern what needs to be released and what still serves you. This eclipse is part of the 123 Soros Eclipse Family. It's also a part of the lunar gestation family that started on the new moon on Sept 14th, 2023. The events of that new moon might come up on this lunation. Mutable signs are affected the most: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and all of you with natal placements between 20°-27° of those signs.
On March 29th, the New Moon (Partial Solar Eclipse) at 9°00' Aries is confusing because of the pile-up of planets still in Pisces. This is the last eclipse in the Aries-Libra axis for another 18 years, finishing up with who we are in relation to others. Take calculated risks, as rash actions can have unwanted consequences. We are still not aware of what is ahead of us and caution is needed. Most affected will be all cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorns, and all of you with natal placements between 6°-12° of those signs.

- Pisces - Aries dance starts with Venus retrograde from Aries on March 1st and Mercury going into Aries on March 3rd. Both of them will retrograde to Pisces at the end of the month, Venus on March 27th, and Mercury on March 29th. The first week of March has some nice opportunities to get things started with Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto on March 5th. This aspect can help us differentiate truth from lies, reality from fantasy and it can be very resourceful.
- Sun will trine Mars on March 8th, giving us more drive, willpower, and stamina to get things done and reconcile any discrepancies. On March 11th Mercury and Venus meet in Aries and the day after Sun joins Saturn in Pisces. Take this time to consolidate things, get serious, and look forward to future success.
- Before the Sun enters Aries on March 20th (marking the beginning of the Astrological New Year and the equinox), it will make a conjunction with Neptune at the last degree of Pisces. Symbolically, we need to connect with the source and add the tool, our intuition, on our new journey starting with the new Aries season.
- On March 22nd the Sun meets Venus, putting us in a better mood for a day or two. This will follow with Sun-Pluto sextile on March 23rd and Sun conjunct Mercury on the 24th. Use this as an opportunity to rise and brush off any doubt or lack of energy.
- The month ends with Neptune moving into Aries on March 30th, bringing new heroes, and pioneers, giving us more boldness and courage. Before that, on March 27th, he will meet Venus at that last degree of Pisces. We might feel enchanted and overly romantic. The need to dive into mystical and magical will be strong.
The push and pull energies of wanting to move forward but still not being able to let go will be the topic of the month with eclipses emphasizing that energy. The start of the new season and the new astrological year brings us on a new path. Make sure you are packed with inner strength, faith in yourself, and the ability to follow your inner gut!
If you wish to know more about how to navigate eclipses and upcoming changes, you can book a reading here 😊