December 2024 at a glance
We welcome the holiday season with enthusiasm, optimism, and positive vibes. But, be aware of your high expectations. They might not meet the reality and you might end up feeling like a deflated balloon. Why?

Happy Holiday Season!
We welcome the holiday season with enthusiasm, optimism, and positive vibes. But, be aware of your high expectations. They might not meet the reality and you might end up feeling like a deflated balloon. Why? We still have Mercury retrograde until mid-month when he stations to go direct on Dec 15th. Remember, the shadow period is not clear until Jan 2nd, 2025. Also, Mars in Leo is stationing to go retrograde on Dec 6th. Our frustrations might be high and we might feel stuck with this retrograde. Wait until Feb 23rd, 2025 to move forward at full speed.

For a more detailed forecast for all 12 signs for the Mars retrograde, check out the video on my YouTube channel.
On a more positive side, Neptune is finally ready to move forward on Dec 7th. Still, it's a slow-moving planet, and we are not out of the fog yet. We are ending the month with Chiron going direct on Dec 29th at the same degree as the April 8th Solar Eclipse. We can anticipate some closure regarding the topics from the Eclipse. Did we heal or are we taking those hurts into the new year?

This month we have two new moons. On Dec 1st, the New Moon at 9°33' Sagittarius is an optimistic, positive new moon with a trine to Mars and a square to Saturn. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini as a dispositor of this lunation is opposing Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius - reeducate, reexamine your beliefs and visions! Scattered energy with high expectations - stay grounded! It's time to plan the bigger picture, not act. Most affected will be all mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and all of you with natal placements between 6°-12° of those signs.
For a more detailed forecast for all 12 signs for the Sagittarius New Moon, check out the video on my YouTube channel.
The Full Moon at 23°53 Gemini on Dec 15th is making a hard aspect with Neptune forming a T-square. Both dispositors, Mercury and Jupiter are still retrograde, bringing mental confusion and wondering about the meaning of life. Leave the New Year resolutions for January and explore the ways of putting your mental energy into something soul-fulfilling. This full moon is a part of the lunar gestation family that started on the new moon on June 18th, 2023. The events of that new moon might come up on this lunation. Mutable signs are again affected the most: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and all of you with natal placements between 21°-27° of those signs.
On Dec 30th, the New Moon at 9°44' Capricorn is more grounded form the previous one on Dec 1st. Saturn as a dispositor is making a lovely sextile to the new moon. This is a great opportunity for setting intentions more ambitiously - raising our goals one step up on the ladder. Nevertheless, Saturn will make hard aspects to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius. This energy will feel like a reality check. Most affected will be all cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, and all of you with natal placements between 6°-12° of those signs.

- After the New Moon on Dec 1st, Venus will trine Uranus on Dec 2nd. Both of them are in earth signs, so the call for excitement and adventure might bring practical pleasures. On Dec 4th, Mercury and Jupiter retrograde in exact opposition, and the Sun makes a square with Saturn. Don't get overwhelmed with responsibilities and scattered communication. Venus will sextile Neptune on the same day, inviting us to escape into the romantic realm.
- On Dec 5th, Sun Mercury Cazimi marks a halfway of Mercury retrograde. Followed by Mercury square Saturn the next day, we might be too excited too soon. Check the facts before you make any decisions.
- Venus and Ceres enter Aquarius on Dec 7th in conjunction with Pluto on the same day. Our desires can bring transformation, but we might experience a strong desire to control. Sun is opposing Jupiter on the same day, bringing high expectations without real foundations.
- Sun square Neptune on Dec 18th. Don't try to make sense of anything at this moment and preserve your energy. The day after should be much sweeter with Venus trine Jupiter, just be careful with overspending and overindulging. Christmas shopping and Christmas parties might be more tempting!
- Sun enters Capricorn on Dec 21st announcing the beginning of the new season.
- The second square between Jupiter and Saturn will come on Christmas Eve, Dec 24th. It will be followed with the second opposition between Jupiter and Mercury on Dec 26th and Mercury opposing Saturn on Dec 27th. This holiday season might have a more serious flavor than we would like. Use this energy to consolidate and merge wishes with possibilities.
December is a promising month as long as we keep one foot on the ground. Dream big, plan, revise, reexamine, reevaluate, retrospect, and don't forget to keep it real!
Happy Holiday and Happy New Year 🎆
If you wish to know more about your year ahead, you can book a reading here 😊