October 2023 at a glance
On September 23rd we entered a new season - fall season here in northern hemisphere. This year fall brings us eclipses: Annual Solar Eclipse at 21°08' Libra on October 14th 13:55 EST Partial Lunar Eclipse at 05°09' Taurus on October 28th 16:24 EST

On September 23rd we entered a new season - fall season here in the northern hemisphere. This year fall brings us eclipses:
- Annual Solar Eclipse at 21°08' Libra on October 14th 13:55 EST
- Partial Lunar Eclipse at 05°09' Taurus on October 28th 16:24 EST
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking out the Sun's light. In ancient times, these events were considered very powerful and life-changing. Today we give them significance as they often mean endings and closures. This particular eclipse has a cluster of planets in the sign of Libra. The south lunar node in Libra (south node usually means letting go) is part of it, which may bring some endings and closures in our relationships (romantic and business) and regarding our finances. It will particularly affect those who have Sun, Moon, and/or ASC in cardinal signs - Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn.

Another important event is Pluto stationing to go direct on October 10th at 27°54' Capricorn. Pluto will go into Capricorn one more time next year for a short period, calling us to make the last transformational changes in the Capricorn area of our natal charts. Clean-up time!

Who is changing signs this month and what does that mean?
- Mercury will finally move from Virgo to Libra on October 4th, after spending more than two months in Virgo. In the retrograde phase, we had an opportunity to revise in detail our habits, health routines, and day-to-day life. In Libra, Mercury can be indecisive and people-pleasing, but also very charming and tactful. He will move fast through Libra and move to Scorpio on October 22nd. This will give us an opportunity to go deep into our thoughts and ability to research.
- Venus will finally move from Leo to Virgo on October 8th, after spending more than 4 months in Leo. In the retrograde phase, many relationships and budgets were revised. In Virgo, Venus is not that happy. It can be overly critical about the way we look, the way our partners behave, and denying us pleasures we truly enjoy.
- Mars is moving to Scorpio on October 12th. He is at home in Scorpio - strategy warrior and investigator. On the other hand, when the energies are hard, he can be manipulative and he can become a control freak.
- Juno is moving from Leo to Virgo, wanting to perfect our committed relationships, and analyzing every detail. Read more on Juno.
- Sun will change signs from Libra to Scorpio on October 23rd, inviting us to explore the depths of our souls. It is that time of the year, when nights become longer than days, and we get more introverted and ready to face our darkest shadows.
October is not an easy month, especially the first two weeks. We may feel powerless, stressed, and out of control. But, we may also feel that is necessary to make some changes, fighting for our authenticity and justice.
Have a calm and peaceful month :)