October 2024 at a glance

It's Eclipse Season! Although the month starts with an eclipse, major energy shifts will occur in the second week of October when Jupiter and Pluto change directions.

October Stations
October Stations 

It's Eclipse Season!

Although the month starts with an eclipse, major energy shifts will occur in the second week of October when Jupiter and Pluto change directions. Jupiter will station to go retrograde on Oct 9th at 21° Gemini, affecting all mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, and Sagittarius. He will stay retrograde until Feb 4th, 2025. This will bring a lot of information, news, and data checking. Watch out for fake news and make sure multiple sources confirm the same thing. It is also an opportunity to revise your ideas and thoughts from the last few months. Choose 1-2 of them and plan a course of action.

Pluto goes direct on Oct 11th at the last degree of Capricorn, making the previous necessary changes in our sovereignty and governance. Are our foundations solid or must we transform and rebuild them from scratch?

Mars will enter its shadow period on Oct 5th at 17° Cancer. Please note the things happening until he goes retrograde on Dec 6th. They might return to be resolved during the retrograde period.

October Lunations
October Lunations

The month starts with an Annular Solar Eclipse at 10°04' LIBRA ⚖️♎ on Oct 2nd. This may bring major endings and beginnings through peace and war themes. It's about us vs them, me vs you, and how to stay true to yourself, but still have healthy, profound relationships. Most affected will be all cardinal signs: Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn, and all of you with natal placements between 7°-13° of those signs. With diplomacy and good strategy, this can be a win-win situation. But if you choose conflicts and arguments, this can turn into a lose-lose situation.

The Full Moon at 24°34' Aries on Oct 17th is charged up with hard aspect to Mars and Pluto. It's blood-seeking energy, so try to avoid any confrontations at all causes. Cardinal signs are again affected the most: Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorns, and all of you with natal placements between 21°-27° of those signs. It's extremely important to keep your cool and wait before you respond. Cardinal energy is action-oriented, assertive, and willing to start things to bring change, so keep that in mind.

For a more detailed analysis of the upcoming Solar Eclipse, check out my latest video on my YouTube channel:

October Ingresses
October Ingresses
  1. To balance out the intensity of the eclipse, Venus, Saturn, and Mars will form a grand water trine on Oct 4th. This might bring emotional intelligence helping us on our way to success, personally and professionally. Water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces will feel it the most.
  2. On Oct 6th Mercury will make a hard aspect to Mars and on Oct 8th it will make a lovely aspect with Jupiter, who is just about to go retrograde. Use this couple of days to take action and make your ideas real! Don't get into verbal fights, instead make use of the gathered information you gain through conversing with others.
  3. On Oct 13th Mercury enters Scorpio, just after a hard aspect with Pluto. Don't get provoked and watch for manipulations. In the next couple of days, the Sun will trine Jupiter and square Mars. Things might get larger than light and can get easily out of proportion. Venus will also oppose Uranus. Desire to fulfill our passions might bring chaos into our lives. Try to stay calm during these few days. On Oct 17th, just after a Full Moon, Venus goes to Sagittarius, bringing finally some light and joy.
  4. Sun will ingress into Scorpio on Oct 22nd, after a hard aspect to Pluto. Mercury will trine Saturn at the same time, helping us make decisions even as we feel powerless and not in control of our lives.
  5. Vesta, the asteroid of our heart, home, and the eternal flame of passion burning in us will move into Libra on Oct 27th. Time to pursue our heart's desires with more elegance and beauty.
  6. The last few days of the month will intensify with Venus squaring Saturn on Oct 28th and Mercury Uranus opposition on Oct 30th. Our nervous system will be highlighted, feeling like we are in a pressure cooker. On the other hand, Venus and Saturn demand our responsibility and discipline. Mars will trine Neptune, followed by Mercury Neptune trine on Oct 31st. Don't try to push things at this moment. It's the perfect energy to put a costume on and go trick or treating! Go with the flow, or as Rick Lavine says it, flow with the go.

October will be a very intense, unstable, and action-oriented month. Use the good energy of Jupiter to make things happen and avoid if possible any conflicts or important discussions or at least postpone them for another time.

Have a serene month 😊