September 2024 at a glance
Welcome to September, the month of retrogrades! Although Mercury went direct on August 28th, Uranus will join Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn on Sept 1st into retrograde motion.

Welcome to September, the month of retrogrades! Although Mercury went direct on August 28th, Uranus will join Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn on Sept 1st into retrograde motion. We now have all the outer planets and Saturn going retrograde during the month. Time to slow down the pace, make necessary corrections, and revise topics from previous months of the year. This will be more visible on the collective, mundane level.

The New Moon in Virgo on Sept 2nd will allow us to set healthy boundaries with strong opposition to Saturn. It's a great opportunity to start new healthy habits, especially regarding our diet and daily health routines. It's loosely making hard aspect with Jupiter, so make sure you set realistic expectations. Venus is close to the South Node, bringing some old, unresolved issues from our past.
This New Moon will be especially favorable for all Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, and for all of you with natal placements between 8°- 14° of the Earth signs.
On Sept 17th, we have a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. The Moon will be joined by Neptune, making a lovely Kite aspect shape with the Sun, Pluto, and Uranus. On the other hand, Jupiter is making a hard aspect (T-square) with this full moon. This suggests light will shine on our visions and dreams. It's a time to transform and change our lives for the better, as long as we have realistic expectations and a solid structure to hold them.
This will impact the most all of you with natal placements between 22°-29° of mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

- Pluto will retrograde back to Capricorn until Nov 19th, finishing up his work around structures and governance. Are we ready to leave behind things that no longer serve us? Are we ready for the new world that is coming?
- Mars goes into Cancer on Sept 4th. Just before, he will make a hard aspect with Neptune. We might feel like we want to escape the harsh reality into fantasy. Be mindful. He will spend a lot of time in Cancer, until Feb 23rd, 2025, as he goes retrograde on Dec 6th after a short period being in Leo. This will bring a lot of action, even some irritation to all with personal placements in Cancer. On a good note, we might feel very protective of our home, heritage, family, and all things dear to our hearts.
- On Sept 8th Pallas Athena enters Sagittarius again, bringing wisdom and strategy to our dreams and visions. Using knowledge from our own experience can bring us rewards.
- Mercury will go back to Virgo on Sept 9th, but before on Sept 7th, he will square Uranus for the third and final time. This might bring more unexpected shocking events and news. The day after, on Sept 8th, the Sun will oppose Saturn, telling us that with self-discipline and focus all can be accomplished.
- The last third of the month is colored with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury changing signs. Sun enters Libra on Sept 22nd, announcing the autumn equinox. Change of the seasons always brings new beginnings and opportunities. With a trine to Pluto, this can bring accurate, sharp insights when dealing with the world. Venus will enter Scorpio the day after on Sept 23rd, after having a hard aspect with Pluto. Deep insights can bring reforms into our existing and possibly new relationships. On Sept 26th, Mercury enters Libra, with a lovely aspect to Pluto. Opportunity to understand the world on a deeper level, and with a trine to Uranus and opposition to Neptune just a few days before, time to revolutionize our visions and transform our lives.
- At the end of the month Mars will make a lovely aspect with Saturn and Mercury will join the Sun on the South Node. This will bring good boundaries, discipline, and perseverance in combination with great communication, and negotiation skills. Powerful ending indeed.
To summarize, September can bring opportunities for making solid structures for the future, with powerful insights that can transform our lives for the better. Retrograde planets can help us redefine where are we heading and how to become successful in our endeavors.
Overall, it's a great month, use it well ☺
On another note, the Moon Phase Planner for Autumn is ready! It is just one click away ☺
In the spirit of accessibility and sharing knowledge, I've made the Practical Astrology Moon Phase Planner available on a 'Pay What You Want' basis. Yes, that means you can download it for free or choose to contribute an amount that feels right for you.
Happy Autumn Season, hope your dreams come true!