eclipse October 2024 at a glance It's Eclipse Season! Although the month starts with an eclipse, major energy shifts will occur in the second week of October when Jupiter and Pluto change directions.
eclipse April 2024 at a glance It's no April's Fools joke - April starts with Mercury retrograde in Aries on April 1st. Mercury will be retrograde most of the month, until April 25th. It will cover 15°-27° of Aries in your natal charts.
eclipse October 2023 at a glance On September 23rd we entered a new season - fall season here in northern hemisphere. This year fall brings us eclipses: Annual Solar Eclipse at 21°08' Libra on October 14th 13:55 EST Partial Lunar Eclipse at 05°09' Taurus on October 28th 16:24 EST