Venus in Earth Signs
What does earth Venus value and how are they relating to others? Venus in Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is in elemental dignity because earth is associated with material world

What does earth Venus value and how are they relating to others?
Venus in Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is in elemental dignity because earth is associated with material world.
Taurus Venus needs financial stability and security. Virgo Venus lives to be reliable and of service. Capricorn Venus is a hard working, committed and loyal partner.
All of them value practicality and stability in relationships and in financial matters. They need to learn to be more flexible and open minded regarding their emotional needs.
Their ability to build a stable, long term comfortable life with others makes them the most loyal and trustworthy love and business partner.
If you have an Earth Venus in your life, make sure you appreciate their hard work and loyalty, as they need to feel respected.

Do you have an Earth Venus? How do you experience it?